Shortcut for strikethrough mac excel

broken image

I'm using Microsoft Word (Windows XP) and for some reason it won't let me click inside the document with my mouse.Microsoft staff do not answer questions in the Word newsgroups. MVPs and others answering questions on the newsgroups are not Microsoft employees. Some MVPs simply will not answer emails about Word at all – if they did, they would never get any work done! Others charge for email replies.It does not matter if Scroll Lock is off or on I still can not move the cursor using the arrow keys when editing a text box, Chart Title, or Axis Titles in an Excel chart.Shift+ (Up/Down/Left/Right) still correctly selects text. Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right still correctly move cursor over one word at a time. A couple notes: - Pressing the arrow keys scrolls up/down/left/right if the input area has scroll bars.

Researching 'HPNetworkCommunicator.exe spinning cursor' in Google verified that this was a very common issue.